all postcodes in B67 / SMETHWICK

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
B67 9DF1152.495071-1.971956
B67 9DL052.495071-1.971956
B67 9DU1052.495071-1.971956
B67 9EJ1152.495071-1.971956
B67 9EL1152.495071-1.971956
B67 9EY1052.495071-1.971956
B67 9EZ1152.495086-1.97195
B67 9FE1152.495071-1.971956
B67 9FG1152.495071-1.971956
B67 9FH1152.495071-1.971956
B67 9FR1052.495086-1.97195
B67 9FU1052.495086-1.97195
B67 9FX152.495086-1.97195
B67 9FY152.495086-1.97195
B67 9GA1052.495086-1.97195